The King's Equal

Recommended age range: 5-12

"The King's Equal" is truly a wonderful fairy tale. This book is one that could be passed down and read hundreds of times! It's a very worthwhile read and should not be underestimated by its slim size.

It starts off with a righteous old king dying and giving a blessing to his son. Although, the prince is not like his father and is quite the opposite! He's greedy, selfish, and unkind and does not wish to further his kingdom. He just wants riches and the crown.

The wise king blesses him, but on one condition: he must find a bride that is equal to him in wisdom, riches, and beauty. The prince scoffs! How dare he! But the prince's equal is nothing he would have ever expected...

I personally loved this book! Even though it is a simple and fast read, I feel the young and old alike would cherish it.

If you're looking for a book without any junky content or if you're looking for a simple and lovely fairy tale, this is a great choice! It doesn't teach a negative attitude, either.

Plus, the copy I read has a spectacular cover. It is truly magical! The drawings inside are nicely detailed, too.

Some of the characters have good, wholesome personalities that may rub off on the reader. It would also be a great addition to your bookshelf!

So have a delightful time reading this lovely fairy tale!

❄️Miss Liber❄️

And there you have it! If you're now interested, head on over to Amazon to pick up a copy of your own!

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