Welcome to Hammock Reading: Your Ultimate Source for Top-Quality Children's Literature!

Are you frustrated by the lack of reading options for your child or young adult? Would you like to find books for them that inspire imagination, positivity, and kindness?

Here at Hammock Reading, you can find thoughtful reviews of the best children's books around! From fiction to fantasy, religious books and poetry, you'll find your child's next most loved book with simplicity. My reviews also include things like recommended age ranges and sometimes warnings at the bottom so you can be sure you are giving your child an appropriate book.

Plus, since I am an actual kid, I only review the books I love and care about, not just the popular book on the front shelf. I review literature that has interested me, inspired me, changed my views, entertained me, taught me good morals, and even more!

It can be difficult to find good, pure, and healthy books. It just got easier, though, because: ta-da! Hammock Reading is here to help!!!

No more junky books and uninspiring literature! Just happiness; reading in a hammock with a zephyr whispering through the deliciously smelling eucalyptus trees.

Have a joyous time reading, and thanks for visiting my website! Happy Reading!!!

❤️Miss Liber

P.S. Featured posts appear at the top of the home page!