Green Ember Archer Series

Recommended age range: 8+

Follow Jo Shanks, the epic archer from the "Green Ember" as he enters the Archer's Cup championship, fools a pack of wolves, slays a bird of prey, and explores a mysterious citadel.

Another thrilling series to go along with the Green Ember series, it teaches great morals, personality, character, and more!

You'll be flipping each page, laughing at the humour and tilting your head closer and closer to the page as you follow along in Jo's adventures.

Have you ever wanted to read a book series inspiring courage, humility, and other Godly traits? Well then, these are the perfect books for you! They inspire great concepts, mingling them throughout the books in a fun and exciting way. It's good for the whole family, and is a great read-aloud.

I have to say, the third book is an excellent way to teach the importance and meaning of love! It was epic and entertaining. In a lot of books, they teach that love is having an attraction to someone else, whereas, in this book, it teaches that love is caring deeply about one another. I highly recommend these books, especially the last one.

Before you read, I feel it is better to start with the Green Ember series first, though, so you're better introduced to the characters and story.

If you're looking for an epic series and an entertaining way to teach your kids good concepts and Godly character, then this is the perfect book for you and your kids!

Enjoy the adventure, suspense, and more!

❤️Miss Liber

  • May not be the best option for children sensitive to fear and violence. You may want to read these books first before giving to them.
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