Should you Watch the Movie first or Read the Book First?

Should you Watch the Movie first or Read the Book First?

Have you ever watched a super awesome movie and you really really wanted to read the book afterwards? Well then, good for you! I'll warn you though, if you're reading the book first, to not watch the movie just yet, no matter how thrilled you are. Here's why:

First of all, if you watch the movie first, you're probably going to end up knowing a lot (if not all) of the exciting twists and turns, surprising facts and moments, and especially the ending. That doesn't sound all too exciting, does it?

Second, your imagination may not come through as well when reading. You'll probably imagine the characters as the people acting in the movie, or you could end up imagining the story the same way as the movie depicts it. Not much imagination there!

Lastly, when you read first, you'll be excited for how the story will be acted out and which actors will be chosen, whereas when you've already watched it, there's not all that much to look forward to. Not super cool, right?

That's why I feel watching the movie first is not as good as reading the book first. I would like to inform you, though, that with some movies of very good books (like classics), reading the book after can still be loads of fun! 😉

Have a great time watching a fun movie or reading a great book in the hammock!

'Till next time!

📚🎬Miss Liber

P.S. If you've read my post on "The Wingfeather Saga", you'll know that there's a  short film for it! It doesn't matter if you haven't read the books yet, the movie has very mild spoilers. If you've already read the books, the short film is spectacular anyways! You can find it on it's own website here.

Miss Liber

Miss Liber

I am a young lady who loves books and wishes kids to have the best books out there. Healthy, educational, fun, you name it! You can find my author page on Amazon here: