Three Inspiring Adventure Series For You and Your Children

Are you scouring the bookstore for an epic adventure series with characters your child can look up to? Well here are three of what I think are the best adventure series that inspire and teach excellent morals. Let's explore!

First off, let's start with "The Green Ember" series.

This epic series has a great chance of reaching your heart whether you're young or old. This tale is about rabbits caught up in a war with the preylords (hawks, eagles, and such), vicious, predatory wolves, and even some of their own kind.

This series excells at including great morals and character. For example, in the beginning of the first book, there is a young rabbit who shows a grumpy, pessimistic attitude, who realizes that instead of wallowing in his misery, he should rise up and lift his head (🗡and sword).

It also has an awesome storyline that you're sure to enjoy!

The Green Ember by S.D. Smith

Check it out!

Next up, the "Tales of Old Natalia" series:

These two books, which link to the Green Ember series and the Green Ember Archer series, are tales of great courage and other good morals!

Adventurous stories the whole family could enjoy, these are sure to be a hit in your household! These may just become your next favorite read-aloud.

Join inspiring characters such as a coal miner named Fleck who rises to the command of captain, a good king, a mischevious prince who learns to behave, and many more!

Plus, you get to explore more about the past of Natalia in the Green Ember.

Tales of Old Natalia by S.D. Smith

Click me to explore!

Lastly, drumroll..."The Green Ember Archer" series!

This adventurous trilogy made me laugh and want to hear more from this lovable character's (Jo Shanks') adventures!

It begins with Jo, a rabbit seeking glory and fame. What he realizes though, is that there are things that matter more...

These books teach many great morals, and are very similar to the other two series I have already mentioned. It is almost like a blend of the two!

The Green Ember Archer Series by S.D. Smith

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Have fun reading!!!

❤️Miss Liber